What's your golf New Year's resolution? Here are ours
By Luke Kerr-Dineen
Ah, New Years. The time when all the horrible stuff you did the year before magically disappears, and you can proceed with a fresh slate. No more reliving all those three-putt bogeys, those snap hooks out of bounds and those shanked wedges -- you know, the really awful stuff. Why, what were you thinking?
Ah, New Years. The time when all the horrible stuff you did the year before magically disappears, and you can proceed with a fresh slate. No more reliving all those three-putt bogeys, those snap hooks out of bounds and those shanked wedges -- you know, the really awful stuff. Why, what were you thinking?
Anyway, we asked readers on Twitter and Facebook along with some Golf Digest editors what their golf New Year's resolution is. Here are some of the results:
Golf Digest Editors
Make more putts inside 10 ft. I'll do this by hitting more putts on the carpet at work. Hopefully my boss won't mind. . .
--Luke Kerr-Dineen, Assistant Editor
To stay in the moment. Too often, I dwell on mistakes I made on the last hole (or even a few holes ago), so I'm going to work hard on focusing on the current situation. This hole; this shot; this moment.
--Ashley Mayo, Editor, Audience Engagement
Beat a Golf Digest editor in stroke play in 2014. It hasn't (come close) to happening yet to this 25-handicap. But it's a new year, with new goals. Nothing personal, y'all. Let's go!
--Stephen Hennessey, Assistant Editor
Hit more draws with the driver. Shouldn't be too hard to do considering I managed all of three in 2013. . .
--Alex Myers, Associate Editor
Sneak in more two- and three-hole rounds. One way to play more in general is to take advantage of that occasional free hour before dark. It's a great way to practice, and an even better way to clear your head.
--Sam Weinman, Web Editor
1. Setup alignment sticks every time I practice.
2. Stop giving myself 3-footers.
3. Win something that matters.
4. Make the bag boys at Pound Ridge GC feel like princes.
--Max Adler, Staff Writer
Richard Spencer Churchill: To swing slower on my backswing.
Chris Bourquin: To check my ego at the door and make course management No. 1. Less poor decision making; more playing the odds.
Jason White: My resolution isn't about my swing, or breaking a score barrier, it's to simply let go and just have fun when I play. That's what it's all about anyways!
Don Trenary: To leave my "foot wedge" in my bag.
Dan Jacobs: Improve my core strength and flexibility.
Brad Sandifer: Hit a bucket of balls once a week. Walk more when I play. Find more golf buddies.
Eliza Lazar McNulty: To play St. Andrews with my husband for his 40th birthday!
Peter Bunevich: To never compound a small mistake and turn a bogey into an "other".
Al Schrand: To play within myself, meaning swing smooth and effortless! 300 yd drives aren't needed to shoot in the 70s.
Jeff Krauser: Walk 18 as much as possible.
Timothy Astleford: My resolution is to use course management more and not try to be a hero.
Dennis Hinkel: To work on my short game more frequently. Twice as much as I work on banging the driver at the driving range.
@GolfDigestMag Like all the other years: swing easy, hit hard.
-- Ronald Beer (@Calculator60) December 30, 2013
@GolfDigestMag Hit all fairways in one round.
-- Derek Evers (@derekevers) December 30, 2013
@GolfDigestMag invest in better technique and productive practice rather than new 'toys'. Get handicap below 15 and play to it.
-- David Digby (@Diggers8) December 30, 2013
@GolfDigestMag Get a golf scholarship from a University!
-- John Breen (@johnmbreen) December 30, 2013
@GolfDigestMag would love to break 75 from the tips at my home club. #motivation #NewYearResolutiongolf
-- Mike A. Paugh (@WestByGod_Mike) December 30, 2013
@GolfDigestMag would love to break 75 from the tips at my home club. #motivation #NewYearResolutiongolf
-- Mike A. Paugh (@WestByGod_Mike) December 30, 2013
@GolfDigestMag still the same get to a single digit handicap and stay there! Right at the cusp...and play #bandondunes
-- Udai Tennati (@UTscramble) December 30, 2013
@GolfDigestMag I'll be in Norway all year, so it's going to be to try and play all the courses in the country :)
-- eric sefcik (@mrbubbles0311) December 30, 2013
From everybody at Golf Digest: Have a safe and happy New Year!
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