By Kathy Gildersleeve-Jensen, PGA
What is your proper balance? Your personal balance is very individualized, according to your total physical well being. Finding your more secure area of balance can improve your swing dramatically. Being fundamentally balanced in every aspect of your golf game can improve your score as well.
Does having good balance help your golf game? Absolutely, by improving your golf swing with balance it can result in more consistency of ball contact, more distance and better direction. To find your correct balance, it’s essential to know where your weight is located throughout your swing. The simplest areas to check your balance are usually at address, the top of the backswing and especially the finish. Elite players are capable of maintaining their balance which promotes tempo.
Set-Up Balance
At your set-up address posture, your weight should be balanced equally over the insteps of both feet and the knees slightly flexed. This puts you in an athletic ready position for reacting with your weight transfer. From this dynamic position, your body is ready to quickly move in any direction.
If your weight falls on your toes, the club head will tend to start outside the target line. If your weight rests on your heels, the path will tend to be too inside. Neither path is conducive to generating much club head speed or consistent contact. To check your balance at address, simply jump straight up in the air. If you’re in balance, you should land comfortably on both feet without falling forward or backward. If you are into the fitness of golf, focus on many of the balance related exercises to increase a better sense of centeredness, strength and agility.
Backswing Balance
When your upper body coils at the top of your backswing, 90 percent of your weight should shift over the right side. At the top of the backswing, your balance point is toward the middle of your right foot. It’s imperative to maintain a good right knee flex. The knees also point inward at the start, the left knee points inward during and the right knee will point at the target on the finish. However, if you can’t do this, then try to lift your back heels up off the ground slightly to produce some more added flexibility and rhythm. Many golfers lose their balance because of tension in their legs. They tighten their knees, which forces the right knee to straighten at the top of the backswing, leading to a reverse-pivot.
Finishing in Balance
Finishing in Balance is the easiest form of evaluating your end swing. Can you hold your finish for a slow count of three? Posing longer at the end of your swing and maintaining a solid end, will produce consistency, improve contact, distance and direction.
On the follow-through, the swing’s momentum should carry you to a full, balanced position, with almost all of your weight over your left foot. As your upper body unwinds, your shoulders should finish over your left leg. For example, if your shoulders are leaning backwards at the finish, it’s very difficult to remain balanced. It is about being your own personal size and in your own comfort zone at the end of your swing.
Your finish helps dictate your swing. Finish in balance and it’s a good bet your entire swing was in balance. If you’re stumbling at the finish, chances are your rhythm and timing are off, and the shot less than satisfying.
Mind Balance
Aside from the physical balances of the golf swing, the balance of your mind is also important. Depending on your level of golf skills, your mind and thoughts play a key part. From the conscience to the unconscious, you have various stages in your golf game that requires peace within your thoughts. Clear and simple tips are usually obtained through a more advance player. While a newer player may have a list of many as they learn the game of golf and try to improve it. Music can play a vital role for balancing the mind, rhythm, timing and the physical balance of the golf swing. Practicing with headphones and your favorite music tends to clear and relax your mind, which will un-clutter and organize some of the unnecessary thoughts you tend to create when thinking of your golf process.
When testing your entire swing for balance, take some practice swings with your eyes closed. This will help you sense your internal balance. All in all, your balance in many areas of your golf game plays a significant key role for your overall enjoyment and improvement of your golf game.
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